Modern processors include many advancements, such as new Intel® AVX-512 instructions—a single register can hold up to eight double-precision or 16 single-precision floating-point numbers. How can you take advantage of these advances quickly and easily in embedded applications? This webinar provides the answers, with an introduction to Intel® C++ Compiler and Performance Libraries, the key components of Intel® System Studio. Spotlighting Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP), Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL), and Intel® Data Analytics Acceleration Library (Intel® DAAL), find out how you can optimize your performance-critical code, including:
- How Intel® Compilers switches can rocket your compute-heavy code
- The importance of code vectorization steps for loops
- Using Intel IPP for embedded application with image/signal processing, and data encryption, Intel MKL for match computation, and Intel DAAL for speed-up analytics and machine learning