How to Analyze & Optimize Long Workload Runs with Platform Profiler

System configuration issues happen more often than we’d like, with telltale hallmarks including high processor utilization, high memory use, and I/O bottlenecks.

Good news: Root-causing the issues is now easier with Intel® VTune™ Amplifier’s Platform Profiler.

In this video—part overview, part how-to—software developers and infrastructure architects get step-by-step instructions for using Platform Profiler to perform in-depth, system-focused, long-term analysis of a system, answering questions including:

  1. How well is the system being utilized?
  2. Is the hardware under- or over-utilized?
  3. What is the headroom on the system?
  4. What are the imbalances?
  5. How does my application or workload behave on this system?


Intel VTune Platform Profiler can be accessed as a standalone product, and as part of Intel® Parallel Studio XE and Intel® System Studio. This video focuses on the tool as part of Intel® System Studio 2019, with specific focus on Windows* host/Linux* target and Linux*host.

If you haven’t yet, be sure to download it before watching so you can follow along.

Jeffrey Reinemann, Technical Consulting Engineer, Intel Corporation

Jeffrey is a Technical Consulting Engineer at Intel responsible for supporting key Intel® System Studio tool suite components—including its energy and performance profilers and analyzers. In his 26 years with the company, Jeffrey has been involved in numerous software technology strategies and solutions, including Intel® Software Asset Manager, anti-theft technology, prototyping and analysis of PC usage model solutions, client PC management and power management architecture, and quality assurance programs for real-time operating systems and PC BIOS. Jeffrey has a M.S. in Computer Sciences from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and a B.S. in Computer Sciences and Mathematics from Carroll University in Waukesha, WI.

For more complete information about compiler optimizations, see our Optimization Notice.