Intel® Software Tools are purpose-built to work better together. This webinar looks at two of them as they relate to computer vision and deep learning: Intel® System Studio and the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit.
In under an hour, Senior Software Engineer Shahab Layeghi demonstrates how the complement of these tools helps you easily create and build edge inference applications, and launch and debug them on a local or remote target system.
Topics covered include:
- High-level overviews of both tools, including a brief demo of Intel System Studio operation and features
- How to create a deep learning-based computer vision project from a sample included in the OpenVINO toolkit
- Running and debugging the project on a remote system
Get the software
If you haven’t yet, download the tools so you can follow along. They’re free.
- Intel® System Studio—an all-in-one suite for building, debugging, and tuning applications using C, C++, Java, and Python* programming languages and;
- Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit—a stand-alone tool set for maximizing deep learning inference performance on Intel® processors and accelerators.
Additional resources
- If you’ve got the tools, here’s a direct link to the Get Started Guide, helping you build and run an OpenVINO toolkit project using Intel System Studio.
- Watch this 8-part video workshop on all things OpenVINO.
- Walk through a computer vision workflow using the latest Intel® technologies and comprehensive toolkits.