Hybrid Cloud: Best Practices for HPC Performance On Premise and On Cloud

Hybrid Cloud is the integration of private (i.e., on premise) and public cloud compute resources—an advantageous mashup that lets users get their jobs done, particularly when on premise resources aren’t enough to match compute-cycle demands.

Getting the best performance on the cloud starts with using the right tools and workflows when developing your applications … for both on premise and on cloud.

In this webinar, Intel Technical Consulting Engineer Jennifer DiMatteo explains key ways to do it, including:

  • Walking you through the workflow of profiling and tuning a small sample on a public cloud VM using Intel® Parallel Studio XE suite of tools and libraries
  • Getting memory and CPU performance data with Intel® Advisor’s Roofline Analysis
  • Finding and fixing hotspots and uncovering threading information with VTune™ Amplifier

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Jennifer DiMatteo, Technical Consulting Engineer, Intel Corporation

Jennifer DiMatteo is a Technical Consulting Engineer for Intel developer tools, providing customer support with a focus on performance optimization using the analyzer tools. Prior to joining Intel in 2015, she spent 14 years developing public safety software and two years doing a little of everything. Jennifer holds a B.S. in Software Engineering Technology from the Oregon Institute of Technology.

For more complete information about compiler optimizations, see our Optimization Notice.