Understanding the Instruction Pipeline

The Key to Adaptability in Modern Application Programming

Understanding the instruction pipeline, on at least a basic level, is as critical to achieving high efficiency in modern application programming as understanding color theory is to painting. It’s a fundamental and ubiquitous concept. While sources vary on exact dates and definitions, instruction pipelining as we know it started gaining popularity at some point in the 1970s or 1980s and is omnipresent in modern machines.

Processing an instruction isn’t instantaneous. There are several steps involved. While the exact details of implementation vary from machine to machine, conceptually it boils down to five main steps:

  1. Fetching an instruction
  2. Decoding it
  3. Executing it
  4. Accesing memory
  5. Writing back the results

Without pipelining, each instruction is processed from start to finish before moving on to the next. If we assume that each of the five steps takes one cycle, then it would take 15 cycles to process three instructions (Figure 1).

Figure 1 – Sequential instruction processing at one step per clock cycle

Because each step is handled by a different section of hardware, modern processors improve efficiency by pipelining the instructions, allowing the various hardware sections to each process a different instruction simultaneously. For instance, in cycle 3 of Figure 2, the processor is fetching instruction C, decoding instruction B, and executing instruction A. All three instructions are completed by the end of cycle seven―eight cycles sooner than if they’d been processed sequentially.

We can compare this to washing a second load of laundry while your first load is in the dryer. While processing an instruction certainly involves more steps than doing laundry, we can still divide it into two sections:

  • The Front End, the part of the CPU that fetches and decodes instructions
  • The Back End, the part that executes and retires instructions

Figure 2 – Pipelined instruction processing

Of course, Figure 2 is an oversimplification of instruction pipelining. In reality, the number of steps in the pipeline varies among implementations, with each of the steps used in the example often being split into multiple substeps. However, this doesn’t affect conceptual understanding, so we’ll continue to use the simplified five-step model. Also, this simplified model doesn’t take into account superscalar design, which results in multiple pipelines per processor core because it duplicates functional units such as arithmetic logic units (ALUs) and fetches multiple instructions at once to keep the extra units busy.

The number of pipelines available is called the width. Figure 3 represents a two-wide design that fetches instructions A and B on the first cycle, and instructions C and D on the second cycle. The width is (theoretically) defined in terms of how many instructions can be issued each cycle, but this is somewhat complicated by the way pipelining is done with CISC designs such as the ever-popular x86.

Pipelining works best with RISC designs, those with a small number of simpler instructions that run quickly. The varying complexity and running times for more elaborate instructions like those found in x86 can make
pipelining difficult for multiple reasons:

Figure 3 – A two-wide instruction pipeline

  • Slow instructions can bog down the pipeline.
  • Complicated instructions may be more likely to stall on data dependencies.

The solution to this problem was to break down these complex operations into smaller micro-operations, or μops. For convenience, the μ is often replaced with u―thus, the uop. The x86 instructions are therefore fetched and decoded, converted into uops, and then dispatched from a buffer to be executed and, ultimately, retired. This disconnect between x86 instructions being fetched and uops being dispatched makes it hard to define the width of a processor using this methodology, and this difficulty is exacerbated by the fact that pairs of uops can sometimes be fused together.

The difficulty of precisely defining the processor width in this scenario makes an abstraction appealing. Regardless of semantics or underlying hardware, there’s ultimately a fixed number of uops that can be issued from the Front End per cycle, and a fixed number of uops that can be retired from the Back End per cycle. This is the number of pipeline slots available and, as a general rule of thumb, the magic number is usually four on modern Intel® processors.

The concept of the pipeline slot is useful for application optimization because each slot can be classified into one of four categories on any given cycle based on what happens to the uop it contains (Figure 4). Each pipeline slot category is expected to fall within a particular percentage range for a well-tuned application of a given type (e.g., client, desktop, server, database, scientific). A tool like Intel® VTune™ Amplifier can help to measure the percentage of pipeline slots in an application that fall into each category, which can be compared to the expected ranges. If a category other than Retiring exceeds the expected range for the appropriate application type, it indicates the presence and nature of a performance bottleneck.

Figure 4 – Pipeline slot categorization flowchart

Much has already been written on the technique of using these measurements for performance optimization, including the Intel VTune Amplifier tuning guides, and these methods are outside the scope of this article, so we won’t cover them here. (See the suggested readings at the end of this article for additional tuning advice.) Instead, we’ll focus on understanding what’s going on within the pipeline in these situations. For the sake of simplicity, our diagrams will have only a single pipeline.

We’ve already discussed the Retiring category. It represents normal functionality of the pipeline, with no stalls or interruptions. The Back-End-Bound and Front-End-Bound categories, on the other hand, both represent situations where instructions weren’t able to cross from the Front End to the Back End due to a stall. The stalls that cause Back-End-Bound and Front-End-Bound slots can have many root causes, including everything from cache misses to overly high demand for a particular type of execution unit. But the effects ultimately boil down to uops not leaving their current stages on schedule.

A Front-End-Bound slot occurs when an instruction fails to move from the Front End into the Back End despite the Back End being able to accommodate it. In Figure 5, instruction B takes an extra cycle to finish decoding, and remains in that stage on cycle 4 instead of passing into the Back End. This creates an empty space that propagates down the pipeline―known as a pipeline bubble―marked here with an exclamation point.

Figure 5 – Example of a Front-End-Bound slot

A Back-End-Bound slot occurs when the Back End cannot take incoming uops (regardless of whether the Front End is capable of actually supplying them) (Figure 6). In this example, instruction B takes an extra cycle to execute and, because it is still occupying the Execute stage on cycle 5, instruction C can’t move into the Back End. This also results in a pipeline bubble.

Figure 6 – Example of a Back-End-Bound slot

Note that the delay doesn’t have to occur in the Decode or Execute stages. In Figure 5, if B had taken an extra cycle to fetch, no instruction would have passed into the Decode stage on cycle 3, creating a bubble, so there would be no instruction to pass into the Back End on cycle 4. Likewise, in Figure 6, if instruction A had taken an extra cycle in the Memory stage, then B would have been incapable of moving out of the Execute stage on cycle 5, whether it was ready to or not. Therefore, it would remain where it was, blocking C from proceeding into the Back End.

The final category is Bad Speculation. This occurs whenever partially processed uops are cancelled before completion. The most common reason uops are cancelled is due to branch misprediction, though there are other causes (e.g., self-modifying code). A branch instruction must be processed to a certain point before it’s known whether the branch will be taken or not. Once again, the implementation details vary, but are conceptually similar. For the sake of demonstration, we’ll assume that we’ll know whether to take path X or path Y when the branch instruction reaches the end of the Execute stage (Figure 7). Branches are so common that it’s infeasible to incur a performance penalty every time one is encountered by waiting until it finishes executing to start loading the next instruction. Instead, elaborate algorithms predict which path the branch will take.

Figure 7 – Instructions from path X being loaded into the pipeline before the branch is resolved

Figure 8 – Correct branch prediction

From here, there are two possible outcomes:

  1. The branch prediction is correct (Figure 8) and things proceed as normal.
  2. The branch is mispredicted (Figure 9), so the incorrect instructions are discarded, leaving bubbles in their place, and the correct instructions begin entering the pipeline.

The performance penalty is effectively the same as if the pipeline had simply waited for the execution of the branch to resolve before beginning to load instructions, but only occurs when the prediction algorithm is wrong rather than every time a branch is encountered. Because of this, there’s a constant effort to improve prediction algorithms.

Figure 9 – Branch misprediction

Anyone with a performance analyzer can access Bad Speculation, Front-End-Bound, and Back-End-Bound slot counts for an application. But without understanding where those numbers come from or what they mean, they’re useful for little more than blindly following instructions from a guide, utterly dependent on the author’s recommendations. Understanding is the key to adaptability and, in the fluid world of software, it’s crucial to be able to respond to the unique needs of your own application―because some day, you’ll encounter a scenario that hasn’t been written about.

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Software and workloads used in performance tests may have been optimized for performance only on Intel microprocessors. Performance tests, such as SYSmark and MobileMark, are measured using specific computer systems, components, software, operations and functions. Any change to any of those factors may cause the results to vary. You should consult other information and performance tests to assist you in fully evaluating your contemplated purchases, including the performance of that product when combined with other products. For more complete information visit http://www.intel.com/performance.

Intel’s compilers may or may not optimize to the same degree for non-Intel microprocessors for optimizations that are not unique to Intel microprocessors. These optimizations include SSE2, SSE3, and SSSE3 instruction sets and other optimizations. Intel does not guarantee the availability, functionality, or effectiveness of any optimization on microprocessors not manufactured by Intel. Microprocessor-dependent optimizations in this product are intended for use with Intel microprocessors. Certain optimizations not specific to Intel microarchitecture are reserved for Intel microprocessors. Please refer to the applicable product User and Reference Guides for more information regarding the specific instruction sets covered by this notice.

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