New Breakthroughs to Overcome Memory and Storage Barriers

Since the earliest days of computing, it’s been a widely accepted constraint:

Limited memory.

From 16kb introduced in the 1980’s to Bill Gates’ oft-quoted misstep that “640kb ought to be enough for anybody”, solving for memory constraints has been a perpetual challenge—made even more critical with today’s data explosion and multi-Terabyte processing needs.

So what’s the end state vision?

According to Sri Doddapaneni, Senior Director of Intel’s Software Analyzers team, it’s moving from Limited to Unlimited Memory and having a hierarchy of flexible performance memory options.

It’s a paradigm shift that’s not only possible, it’s happening now with a hardware and software convergence that offers unprecedented system memory capacity and persistence.

Tune in to get the big picture from Sri, including:

  •  how Intel’s newly released hardware—Intel® Optane™ DC Persistent Memory—delivers a unique combination of affordable large capacity and persistence (non-volatility)
  •  how new and affordable persistent memory enables developers to create flexile designs for managing workloads that meet optimal costs and balance performance tradeoffs
  • what developers need to consider, including a review of options within a memory and storage hierarchy

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Sri Doddapaneni, Senior Director, Software Analyzers, Intel Corporation

Sri leads an Intel Software Tools team that produces several advanced software analyzers products spanning compute and graphics performance, parallelism, power, and software correctness. With more than 25 years of experience in compilers, debuggers, profilers, emulators, distributed and embedded systems, and hardware platforms, he specializes in designing and developing analysis tools that provide accurate and holistic profiles of software applications running on Intel® platforms.

Sri holds a B.Tech (Honors) from Indian Institute of Technology at Kharagpur and a PhD from Georgia Institute of Technology, both in Computer Science. He holds seven patents and has published several research papers.


Henry A. Gabb, Sr. Principal Engineer, Intel Corporation

Henry A. Gabb is a Senior Principal Engineer in Intel’s Compute Performance and Developer Products group. Much of his career has been spent promoting the value of parallel computing. He was the program manager for the Universal Parallel Computing Research Centers, a joint Intel/Microsoft initiative at the University of California at Berkeley and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. These centers focused on making parallel programming more accessible to mainstream developers. More recently, he is studying how the convergence of traditional high-performance computing, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence in modern workflows impacts system design.

Henry is the editor of The Parallel Universe, Intel’s quarterly magazine for software innovation with more than 450,000 subscribers. He represents Intel in the NSF Center for Parallel Computing Curriculum Development and Educational Resources, and leads Intel’s strategic efforts to drive parallel and distributed computing into the undergraduate computer science classroom. He also serves as a panelist in the NSF Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure.

Henry holds a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry from Louisiana State University, a master’s degree in medical informatics from the Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine, and two PhDs: in molecular genetics from the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine, and in information science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Prior to joining Intel, he was Director of Scientific Computing at the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center MSRC, a Department of Defense high-performance computing facility.

For more complete information about compiler optimizations, see our Optimization Notice.