October 2018 marked the 21st birthday of OpenMP—an API for writing multithreaded applications that has evolved into a preeminent parallel programming model.
According to Tim Mattson—one of OpenMP’s founders—the reason why is simple. “[OpenMP] is a safe and gentle way to get into parallel computing. Developers can quickly go from Ground Zero to writing parallel algorithms.”
Additionally, as an open standard, OpenMP levels the playing field in a competitive league of hardware vendors (software applications always last longer than any particular hardware product), allowing developers to create portable code that withstands the continuous evolution of hardware revisions.
So where is OpenMP going next? Is another 21 years in its future? Can it remain relevant in a future where the pace of hardware complexity and heterogeneity goes off the charts?
Tune in to hear Tim discuss these very issues with Tech.Decoded, including his prediction about parallel programming’s future.
Get the software
OpenMP 5.0 support is available in Intel® C Compilers and Intel® Fortran Compilers. Get them both in Intel® Parallel Studio XE. Try it free for 30 days now.