The animated brilliance of Moana. The photorealism of the Jaegers in the Pacific Rim movies. Scientific visualization for Stephen Hawking from his 10 Terabyte dataset. Design and test an automobile without having to build a prototype. These are just a few examples where Software Defined Visualization (SDVis)—Intel multi-core CPUs processing and delivering the same experience that you would get with a GPU—created stunning visual outcomes, and with many advantages over traditional hardware-bound processes.
This brief view into the SDVis world and its promise ranges from key differentiators between CPU and GPU image rendering, to the impacts on HPC exascale computing. Jim Jeffers, Intel Visualization Solutions Team Leader, discusses these topics and more with Intel’s Henry Gabb, touching on:
• The key libraries—Embree, OSPRay , OpenSWR —that comprise Intel’s SDVis solution
• The evolving role ray tracing plays in photorealism
• In-situ visualization—doing computation while simultaneously visualizing it—and its impacts
Learn more about the SDVis solution at