Find possible persistent memory errors so the system operates correctly when the power is restored.
Technical Computing
Intel® Math Kernel Library for Deep Neural Networks
Accelerate deep learning frameworks on Intel® architecture with these highly vectorized and threaded building blocks for implementing CNNs with C/C++ interfaces.
Intel® Parallel Studio XE
Deliver fast, reliable, scalable code with the latest techniques in vectorization, multithreading, multinode parallelization, and memory optimization.
Intel® Performance Libraries
Create better, more reliable, and faster software applications with five powerful libraries. Offered for free to support innovation and impressive performance on Intel® architecture.
Intel® Distribution for Python*
Supercharge applications and speed up core computational packages with this performance-oriented distribution. Powered by Anaconda*.
Intel® VTune™ Profiler
Find performance bottlenecks fast and optimize your code for better performance on modern processors.
Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL)
Accelerate math processing routines, increase application performance, and reduce development time with the fastest and most-used math library for Intel®-based systems.† († Evans Data Software Developer surveys, 2011-2019)
Intel® Data Analytics Acceleration Library (Intel® DAAL)
Boost machine learning and data analytics performance at all stages of the data analytics pipeline: pre-processing, transformation, analysis, modeling, validation, and decision-making.
Intel® C Compilers
Easily implement the latest C and C++ language standards (up to the initial C++17) and deliver code that executes in the fewest number of cycles.
Intel® Fortran Compilers
Deliver superior Fortran application performance with the industry leader for building high-performance applications.