Better Threaded Performance: Uncovering Common Issues

Got slow code? Learn how Intel® VTune™ Amplifier and OpenMP* can uncover common bottlenecks and help you create faster code with low overhead.

The terms “threading” and “scalability” are not only on the short list of coding buzzwords, they’re absolutely necessary for competitive applications and solutions—from enterprise cloud/network to HPC. Intel® VTune™ Amplifier is a code-profiling tool with a friendly analysis interface that not only provides accurate profiling data, it helps you mine and interpret it. Interested? Join us where we will discuss and demonstrate:

  • How solutions using OpenMP* 4.0 (which provides new capabilities to achieve explicit SIMD vectorization and threading) can dramatically improve performance on modern processors
  • How Intel VTune Amplifier can help you uncover common performance and scalability issues, and identify whether problems are due to imbalance, lock contention, creation overhead, or scheduling overhead
  • How to use both to optimize performance on the newest Intel hardware

About the Speakers

Anoop Madhusoodlhanan Prabha, Kenneth Craft, Technical Consulting Engineer, Intel Corporation

Anoop Madhusoodhanan Prabha is a Software Engineer in Intel’s Software and Services Group. He currently works as a Technical Consulting Engineer on the C/C++ compiler support team. He joined Intel in 2009. Since he joined Intel, he has worked on optimizing various customer applications by enabling multi-threading, vectorization and other micro architectural tunings. He has experience working with OpenMP, Cilk™ Plus, Intel® TBB, CUDA etc. His current interest are in Processor and GPU architecture, heterogeneous computing and high performance computing. He has an M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from State University of New York at Buffalo, US. His e-mail is

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