A How-To Overview: Tap into the Power of OpenCL* Development for Windows*

Whether your passion is media, imaging, vision, or analytics applications, the Intel® SDK for OpenCL™ Applications can make it happen—it’s built to enhance development, help you access the full complement of Intel® platform capabilities, and accelerate performance of heterogeneous compute apps.

This 3-part video series looks at Windows* 10 OpenCL* development, with specific focus on the SDK’s power when used with other components found in the Intel® System Studio 2019 tool suite.

We recommend watching them in order (step-by-step demonstrations and instructions build on each other). But we’re not the boss of you … do whatever feels right.

And be sure to download the tools before watching so you can follow along.

Part 1 – [7:28 min]
Cover the SDK basics—what it is and what it does. Use templates to get an OpenCL application building and executing quickly with Visual Studio* 2017 on contemporary Intel®-based CPU or GPU platforms.

Part 2 – [18:02 min]
Walkthrough an example manual build flow and helloCLworld program. Understand the basics of GUI tools and device capability references that can help with OpenCL development.

Part 3 – [8:56 min]
Understand the SDK tools used to augment OpenCL development, eliminating the need for just-in-time compilation. Understand the nature of OpenCL reference runtimes included with the SDK. Discern system registry contents and get a complete picture of installed implementations to help with deployment configuration challenges.

Michael Carrol, Senior Technical Consulting Engineer, Intel Corporation

Michael provides guidance for heterogeneous application development and deployment with Intel® visual computing products. Currently specializing in OpenCL™ applications and solutions, his technical expertise spans multiple areas, including application porting across operating system and hardware, competitive assessment, benchmarking, and sales & marketing.

Joining Intel in 2010, Michael recently presented development techniques in the International Workshop for OpenCL™ 2018 proceedings. Separately, he has developed and delivered software performance for SPEC CPU and for Intel® Xeon Phi™. Michael has been a volunteer reviewer for the GEM Fellowship Consortium. Michael holds an M.S. in Computer Science with focus in Multimedia and Creative Technology from the University of Southern California.

For more complete information about compiler optimizations, see our Optimization Notice.