System configuration issues happen more often than we’d like, with telltale hallmarks including high processor utilization, high memory use, and I/O bottlenecks.
Good news: Root-causing the issues is now easier with Intel® VTune™ Amplifier’s Platform Profiler.
In this video—part overview, part how-to—software developers and infrastructure architects get step-by-step instructions for using Platform Profiler to perform in-depth, system-focused, long-term analysis of a system, answering questions including:
- How well is the system being utilized?
- Is the hardware under- or over-utilized?
- What is the headroom on the system?
- What are the imbalances?
- How does my application or workload behave on this system?
Intel VTune Platform Profiler can be accessed as a standalone product, and as part of Intel® Parallel Studio XE and Intel® System Studio. This video focuses on the tool as part of Intel® System Studio 2019, with specific focus on Windows* host/Linux* target and Linux*host.
If you haven’t yet, be sure to download it before watching so you can follow along.